Ag literacy tools you can use!
We provide various resources to help formal and nonformal ag educators share the agricultural story and to assist with ag literacy efforts.
Are you a formal or nonformal educator, extension agent, 4-H volunteer or FFA advisor? 专为您开发, the KConnection-Educator Edition is a quarterly newsletter containing resources created by the 知识中心 and our partners, 博客文章, special access to printable 信息图 and more. Join today and let us help you gain access to additional tools you can use as you educate our future leaders in the agriculture industry.
Browse our educator blog page, where you'll find multiple popular articles.
Browse our teaching materials, including articles with 信息图, 资源链接, 可打印文件及更多!
- 一切,除了...动物副产品系列
This 系列 contains 信息图 and student worksheets covering the topics of by-products and products that come from cattle, 猪, 羊, 山羊和家禽.
- 品种系列
Browse our 品种系列 to find breed resources organized by species. There are downloadable 信息图 and activities covering beef cattle, 奶牛, 肉用纤维山羊, 猪, 家禽, 短毛羊, 羊毛羊和兔子. You'll learn about different aspects of certain breeds and fun facts and figures.
- 不仅仅是... products made from plants 系列
Series of resources covering products made from plants.
Add these ag literacy tools to your toolbox! There are 信息图, worksheets, and activities covering corn, soybean, wheat and cotton. We also have a section containing an activity covering all plant products combined.
- 生命周期系列
The 生命周期系列 consists of 信息图, poster files, and activities.
We will continue to add more life cycles, starting with the honeybee. So, don't forget to bookmark the page and visit often for updates!
- 软技能课程
新! Request access to our new 软技能课程. 课程, geared toward middle and high school students, contains six units covering the following topics:
- 字符
- 社会技能
- 沟通
- 工作场所
- 礼仪与道德
- 将技能付诸实践
- 动物科学
- A Cow is a Cow is a Cow-Breeds of 牲畜
- 牛肉 Production System - 信息图表
- 〇肉牛生命周期 信息图表
- 从出生到牛排 Video 信息图表
- 纯种vs. 〇商品牛 简报
- 肉牛vs. 〇奶牛 简报
- 一头奶牛的生活 信息图表
- Milk, Nature's Perfect Drink - 简报
- 牛肉熟度- 信息图表
- 〇奶山羊品种 信息图表
- 〇家禽品种 信息图表
- 家禽分类—— 信息图表 学生工作表 学生工作表 answer key
- 美国农业部鸡蛋事实 信息图表
- 植物科学
- 植物生命周期 信息图表
- 〇我的小温室 活动
- My Little 植物 - 活动 Coming Soon
- 植物的部分- 信息图表 工作表
- Common Greenhouse Structures - 信息图表
- 玉米, From Seed to Harvest - 信息图表
- 大豆, From Seed to Harvest - 信息图表
- Annuals, Perennials, and Biennials - 博客 活动 纵横字谜游戏 关键
- USDA 植物 Hardiness Zones - 博客
AgBite-A Series of Commodity Insights
- 南瓜, 南瓜园事实 AgBite 活动 纵横字谜游戏 关键
- 西红柿, AgBite 纵横字谜游戏 关键
- 西瓜- AgBite 有趣的事实 纵横字谜游戏 关键
- 桃子- - - - - - AgBite 有趣的事实 纵横字谜游戏 关键
- 草莓, AgBite 活动 纵横字谜游戏 关键
- 哈密瓜, AgBite 纵横字谜游戏 关键
- 苹果- - - - - - AgBite 纵横字谜游戏 关键
- 玉米, AgBite 纵横字谜游戏 关键
- 小麦- AgBite 纵横字谜游戏 关键
- 大豆, AgBite 纵横字谜游戏 关键
- 花生, AgBite 纵横字谜游戏 关键
- 〇红薯 AgBite 纵横字谜游戏 关键
AgBud-Series of Horticulture Insights
- 向日葵, AgBud 纵横字谜游戏 关键
- 牡丹, AgBud 纵横字谜游戏 关键
- 一品红。 AgBud 纵横字谜游戏 关键
- 大丽, AgBud 纵横字谜游戏 关键
- 水仙, AgBud 纵横字谜游戏 关键
- 玫瑰 AgBud 纵横字谜游戏 关键
- 披萨里有什么! - 一片披萨里有什么
- 〇酸面包 All 关于 Sourdough 简报
- 炸玉米饼! - 每一口都有Ag!
- August is National Sandwich Month - 三明治趣事
- 自然资源
- 土壤侵蚀在起作用活动
- 挖掘:蚯蚓 PDF
- Parts of a 蜜蜂 and Ag Facts
- 蜜蜂工蜂 18“x24”海报
- 蜜蜂 填字游戏 关键
- Different Types of Bee Hives - 活动
- Financial Literacy Curriculum-Planning to Succeed
The Planning to Succeed Curriculum is a financial awareness and preparedness curriculum aimed toward Ag Business classes and Economics and Personal Finance classes. 目前, the curriculum is only available within the states served by Farm Credit of the Virginias (Virginia, West Virginia and Maryland (Allegany and Garrett counties only).
- 领导
- 额外的资源
Ag facts and 信息图 for learning and sharing
The 知识中心 continually creates 信息图 that highlight different aspects of agriculture. Feel free to download and use as teaching tools or to share with others!
- 通用农业信息图
10 Reasons Ag is Good for Youth
- 一般商品 简报s
Grass Finished and Grain Finished Beef - 简报